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// Learning: The Essential Small Business Ingredient

Pereleman once said "Learning is what most folks do for a living in the 21st century". It's also what keeps self employed small business owners like you ahead of the curve. Read on to learn new things that can help you take your business to the next level.

Anything you want to learn about can be found online

  • Business building articles
    Information in a nutshell at your fingertips
  • "Food for thought" books I recommend to business owners
    Get perspective. Expand your thinking. Feed your mind.
  • Blogs – it's a whole new world out there
    Grow your business and your vision of how to get more of it.
  • Networks
    Multiply your contacts, broaden your opportunities, join the 'in' crowd.
  • Newsletters worth subscribing to
    Entrepreneurial learning in mini-bites
  • Cool free online tools
    Well, need I say more?

LEARN // articles| books | blogs | networks | newsletters | tools

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 © Dawn Lanier

Yes You Can | 13547 Ventura Boulevard #250 | Sherman Oaks, CA. USA


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