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your ladder to online success - isn't it time for MORE?


Has this happened to you?


I don't think so dear...

Oh - so this is 'you' online?

Explain to me again why people will buy from you instead of someone else?

Nothing personal, but what makes you different or better?

I'm just saying ...


Maybe you didn't get the memo:


Hi! I'm your website. Remember me?

I'll be brief. I know you're busy, but could you please give me a break here? After all, we're supposed to be on the same page, if you know what I mean.

You don't write. You don't call. You never think about me.

Not to mention I can't even remember the last time YOU came to visit...

Can we talk? Or better yet just sign up and BUY it!

// How's that website working for 'Ya?

red flag warning - your website may need your help Truth be told, if your website isn't bringing new customers to your door, it adds no real value to your business. Worse yet, it might even be sending people away because it doesn't 'connect' with your customers.

Not a good thing.

The 8 telltale signs your business site could be working against what you're trying to accomplish:

  • Your website copy basically says 'Hi - I'm me. I'm a this who does that at my location near you. Here are my credentials. And my picture. Let me know if I can help you. My email is
  • You can't find your site listed anywhere on the search engines unless you type in the exact name.
  • You don't have a free download or 'take away' that speaks to your expertise or gives added value to the customer experience.
  • Your website has more detail about you than it does about the benefits of what you offer.
  • Your website doesn't look professional
  • Very few people use your 'contact me' form, sign up for your newsletter or send you website email.
  • Your website doesn't tell the customer anything they don't already know, or cause them to think differently about your product or service as the solution to their problem.
  • If you were a potential customer, you wouldn't be impressed enough to want to do business with you.

The real truth about competing in the online marketplace

  • Every customer brings their power of choice with them when they go online
  • Customers almost always use search engines to find the product(s) or service(s) they need
  • Comparison shopping for products and services is the norm
  • Customers buy (or try) because a product or service solves a problem or fills a need
  • If your website does not distinguish itself from the competition by zeroing in on your customer's problem/need and giving them a reason to buy from you, that customer will exercise their power of choice and look elsewhere

Working your PLAN for getting to the next level

hear, see and speak no evil - humm - not a good sign ...If you're serious about using the Internet as a tool for attracting new business, then you have to be equally serious about developing an online presence that helps you accomplish that goal.

Your web designer can't do it. Your friends and family can't do it. Only you, the person most invested in your business, can turn your website into a winning opportunity for both you and your customer.

So how do you start changing the website you have into the website you want without spending a fortune? By using 'How's that Website Working for 'Ya?' as your personal guide to:

  • Evaluate your online competition
  • Define website excellence from a customer's point of view
  • Compare the 'best of breed' sites for your specific product, service or profession
  • Discover the keys to compelling website copy
  • Revisit your own website in light of the new perspective you've gained
  • Change and improve your online presence

Sure, you can get a lot of visibility for your business through social networking or blogging. That's absolutely true. But eventually potential spending customers are going to work their way back to your website. And you need it to be standing tall.

'How's that Website Working for 'Ya?' is the perfect do it yourself resource for anyone who's determined to position themselves for online success. Just  look at the Table of Contents to decide for yourself.

About the WIIFM (what's in it for me?) Here's what you get:

  • A practical method for turning your website into a reliable success partner for your business
  • Easy to follow exercises that take you through every step
  • Printable worksheets to keep you on track
  • A no-brainer strategy for making sure your website has real value and appeal to your customers
  • A creative tool for finding your voice as a business owner trying to reach a broad group of potential customers you don't know.

So why wait? Sign up now to get your copy. At the unbeatable price of only $14.95, you can't go wrong with this investment.

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Getting your Online Act

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© Dawn Lanier 

Yes You Can | 13547 Ventura Boulevard #250 | Sherman Oaks, CA. USA


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