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toss your hat in the ring - the journey begins with the first step




Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions.

Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that
you, too,
can become great.

~ Mark Twain




// Say YES to Self-Employed Success

Wow - I'm on a roll this week -  I can't wait to tell my coach!You know you're ready to say yes to your success when you find yourself actively looking for ways to bring it closer to your door.

Like figuring out how to use the Internet to build your brand, grow your business and create that ongoing stream of continuous income you keep hearing about.

Or how to connect what you do for your business offline, with what you do for it online, so you have success in both areas.

If you could do all that successfully, and you acted on what you learned, the entire landscape of what is possible for you, your life and your business would change. You would truly be at the next level.

Need a compelling reason (and a little motivation) to get your online mojo working sooner rather than later? Consider this tidbit from the Kelsey Group:

70% of US households now use the Internet to shop for local products & services

No matter how you cut it and slice it, that's a LOT of people in your own back yard (as in customers) who are looking to do business with someone just like you.

Umm ...  makes you wonder how different your life would be today if you already knew how to use the Internet to:

      • Find them
      • Attract them
      • Start a conversation with them
      • Engage them
      • Earn their trust
      • Get them to buy from you
      • Get them to KEEP buying from you
      • Build wealth

Sounds good, doesn't it? It should, because it's well within your reach. Especially if you have a coach by your side to give you perspective, guide your efforts, save you eons of time and cheer you on. Not to mention readily share the secrets of what to do, how to do it, and why ;)

Are you ready to create your own success, do those extraordinary things on the 'Bucket List' for your business, and find your online voice?

Then don't wait - shorten your learning curve, work smarter and quickly move from where you are now to where you want to be with one of these coaching programs:

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Getting your Online Act

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© Dawn Lanier 

Yes You Can | 13547 Ventura Boulevard #250 | Sherman Oaks, CA. USA


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